Project Update April 26, 2021
DEV UPDATE- We are updating the emission rewards to accurately disperse rewards every block without exhausting the rewards pool.
With regards to token migration, we will be using Pancakeswap V2 to migrate LP tokens.
On the topic of migration: we will be posting a list of wallet addresses that have not claimed their LP tokens as well as those that have not migrated. We will be posting the list on Telegram and Medium, if you see your wallet on the list please email us to get things resolved.
Our staking contract is still being audited. Once we hear from our auditors, we will update the community.
We need the front end of our site to pull data directly from the BSC nodes rather than Pancakeswap because Pancakeswap is not fully syncing/picking up our data.
We are giving our devs and auditors another week from today, so Monday, May 3 to have all of this sorted.
Writing these messages is as painful as it is reading them, I assure you. We are extremely grateful to all of you and as promised, as soon as we get updates, will provide them to everyone.
Dear All,
Anyone who would like to help us in reviewing the Native Sheesha Staking contract and the LP token Staking contract is welcome to do so and will receive a Bounty for their help and support to find if any bugs before the actual staking process starts.
Here is the link to access the repo on git:
Official Website:
Official Telegram link
$SHEESHA Liquidity Generation event is completed.
Token address is 0x232FB065D9d24c34708eeDbF03724f2e95ABE768
Official Uniswap Link for ETH SHEESHA
Trading Chart for ETH/SHEESHA
Official Pancake Link for BSC SHEESHA
Trading Chart for BSC/SHEESHA
Most asked question -> $SHEESHA token is listed on both Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum. However, they have entirely different prices due to the amount raised on each chain being different. Consider them as eSHEESHA and bSHEESHA. They are not swappable.
Read the FAQ to know about the project
This Telegram is restricted to SHEESHA product-related discussions.
BE AWARE OF SCAMMERS. Admins will never DM you first or solicit for contributions privately. When in doubt always come back to this channel and tag an admin. There are too many bad actors trying to take advantage of good people. Please err on the side of caution and when in doubt, speak up! Be safe and thank you.
About Sheesha Finance
Sheesha Finance is a leading decentralized DeFi Staking Platform allowing for premium cryptocurrency portfolio diversification and rewards. Sheesha Finance rewards investors of any size, from small to large ticket holders, with unlimited DeFi tokens from a diversified portfolio of projects. Sheesha Finance’s easily convertible assets can be freely utilized to maximize rewards and gain exposure to existing and upcoming DeFi projects. With plans to become a member-managed Decentralised Autonomous Organization (DAO), Sheesha Finance is dedicated to upholding full transparency and integrity within the DeFi space.
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