How to Buy SHEESHA on Pancakeswap
Want your cake and to eat it too? You need SHEESHA on the Binance Smart Chain!
Step 1: Install MetaMask on your browser.
Open your browser and visit Download the MetaMask extension and set up a wallet. On mobile? Get MetaMask’s app for iPhone or Android.
Step 2: Transfer $BNB to MetaMask
Transfer $BNB to your MetaMask wallet from your existing wallet or purchase BNB on an exchange you trust.
Step 3: Connect To Pancakeswap
To buy SHEESHA on the Binance Smart Chain, connect your Metamask wallet to Pancakeswap. Follow the steps in this video:
Step 4: Swap $BNB for $SHESHA
Now the BNB is in your wallet, the safest place to buy $SHEESHA is to use the official link to the token address.
Official Pancake Link for BSC SHEESHA
Click on “import”. Now you have found SHEESHA on Pancakeswap, you can swap the BNB for SHEESHA.
Enter and the amount of $BNB you would like to swap for $SHEESHA.
Trading Chart for BSC/SHEESHA
Follow the steps in this video:
Step 5: With the SHEESHA is in your wallet, go to, connect your wallet, and visit the BSC staking dashboard.
You are ready to stake your SHEESHA and earn SHEESHA and partner rewards!
About Sheesha Finance
Sheesha Finance is a leading decentralized DeFi Staking Platform allowing for premium cryptocurrency portfolio diversification and rewards. Sheesha Finance rewards investors of any size, from small to large ticket holders, with unlimited DeFi tokens from a diversified portfolio of projects. Sheesha Finance’s easily convertible assets can be freely utilized to maximize rewards and gain exposure to existing and upcoming DeFi projects. With plans to become a member-managed Decentralised Autonomous Organization (DAO), Sheesha Finance is dedicated to upholding full transparency and integrity within the DeFi space.
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